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How to run it from command line?

If your install folder is "C:\allmapsoft\eomd", you can use the followed command to lauch it automatically:

C:\allmapsoft\eomd\downloader.exe para1 para2 para2 para3 para4 para5 para6 para7 para8 para9

para1: task name
para2: maps type
para3: zoom level
para4: left longitude
para5: right longitude
para6: top latitude
para7: bottom latitude
para8: path to save
para9(optional): "hide" to minimize window when download; if blank, to display window.

For example:

If you want to download an area, OpenStreetMap map(Maps type ID=8):

task name=test.eomd;
maps type=8;
path to save=C:\downloads

Then the command line should be:

"C:\allmapsoft\eomd\downloader.exe" "test.eomd" 8 12 2 3 49 48 "C:\downloads"

If you want to hide the window, please use:

"C:\allmapsoft\eomd\downloader.exe" "test.eomd" 8 12 2 3 49 48 "C:\downloads" hide


After downloading, you can also run combiner.exe from command line mode:

"C:\allmapsoft\eomd\combiner.exe" para1 para2 para3

para1: task name(full path)
para2: output types(separated with comma)
para3: (optional) extent unit ("meters" or "degrees")

For example:

"C:\allmapsoft\eomd\combiner.exe" "C:\downloads\test.eomd" jpg,png,tif meters

When task finished, the downloader or combiner will be automatically closed.

Maps type list

Maps type name Maps type ID
OpenStreetMap Belgium (FR)1763
OpenStreetMap Belgium (Multilingual)1764
OpenStreetMap Belgium (NL)1765
OpenStreetMap Cycle map10
OpenStreetMap FreieTonne.de2199
OpenStreetMap FreieTonne.de Seekarte2200
OpenStreetMap Humanitarian15
OpenStreetMap OpenTopoMap13
OpenStreetMap OpenTopoMap Dev2201
OpenStreetMap OPNVKarte.de1135
OpenStreetMap Osmapa.pl2202
OpenStreetMap Standard map8
OpenStreetMap Standard map with GPS traces1136
OpenStreetMap Trainmap Belgium 2601
OpenStreetMap Transport9
OpenStreetMap Webmapp.it2203
OpenStreetMap.CH swiss style2162
OpenStreetMap.FR cyclosm372
OpenStreetMap.Fr open river boat map2163
OpenStreetMap.hu turistautak2238


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