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How to run Google Maps Downloader from command line?

If your install folder is "C:\allmapsoft\gmd", you can use the followed command to lauch it automatically:

C:\allmapsoft\gmd\downloader.exe para1 para2 para3 para4 para5 para6 para7 para8 para9

para1: task name
para2: maps type
para3: zoom level
para4: left longitude
para5: right longitude
para6: top latitude
para7: bottom latitude
para8: path to save
para9(optional): "hide" to minimize window when download; if blank, to display window.

For example:

If you want to download an area, Google Satellite Maps(Maps type ID=1):

task name=test.egmd;
maps type=1;
path to save=C:\downloads

Then the command line should be:

"C:\allmapsoft\gmd\downloader.exe" "test.egmd" 1 12 2 3 49 48 "C:\downloads"

if you want to hide the window, please use:

"C:\allmapsoft\gmd\downloader.exe" "test.egmd" 1 12 2 3 49 48 "C:\downloads" hide


After downloading, you can also run combiner.exe from command line mode:

"C:\allmapsoft\gmd\combiner.exe" para1 para2 para3

para1: task name (full path)
para2: output types (separated with comma)
para3: degrees or meters (optional)

For example:

"C:\allmapsoft\gmd\combiner.exe" "C:\downloads\test.egmd" jpg,png,tif

When task finished, the downloader or combiner will be automatically closed.

Maps type list

Maps type name Maps type ID
Google Hybrid Maps - Arabic1996
Google Hybrid Maps - Chinese1731
Google Hybrid Maps - English20
Google Hybrid Maps - English, 1024px271
Google Hybrid Maps - English, 512px90
Google Hybrid Maps - French1729
Google Hybrid Maps - German1730
Google Hybrid Maps - Hindi2005
Google Hybrid Maps - Indonesian2002
Google Hybrid Maps - Italian1999
Google Hybrid Maps - Japanese1732
Google Hybrid Maps - Korean1990
Google Hybrid Maps - Portuguese1993
Google Hybrid Maps - Russian1727
Google Hybrid Maps - Spanish1728
Google Hybrid Maps - xLocal language12
Google Hybrid Maps - xLocal language, 1024px270
Google Hybrid Maps - xLocal language, 512px89
Google Hybrid Maps for China - Chinese268
Google Hybrid Maps for China - Chinese, 512px269
Google Hybrid Maps with Bicycling - xLocal language429
Google Hybrid Maps with Bicycling,Transit,Traffic - xLocal language432
Google Hybrid Maps with Traffic - xLocal language431
Google Hybrid Maps with Transit - xLocal language430
Google Hybrid Maps without POI244
Google Hybrid Maps without POI and labels243
Google Hybrid Maps without roads245
Google Maps - 45 degree oblique images (face to east)1425
Google Maps - 45 degree oblique images (face to east) with labels1429
Google Maps - 45 degree oblique images (face to north)1424
Google Maps - 45 degree oblique images (face to north) with labels1428
Google Maps - 45 degree oblique images (face to south)1426
Google Maps - 45 degree oblique images (face to south) with labels1430
Google Maps - 45 degree oblique images (face to west)1427
Google Maps - 45 degree oblique images (face to west) with labels1431
Google Satellite Maps1
Google Satellite Maps 1024px154
Google Satellite Maps 128px153
Google Satellite Maps 512px95
Google Satellite Maps 64px155
Google Satellite Maps 768px179
Google Satellite Maps for China348
Google Satellite Maps for China 512px314
Google Satellite Maps for China (coordinates rectified)2050
Google Satellite Maps with Bicycling291
Google Satellite Maps with Bicycling,Transit,Traffic310
Google Satellite Maps with Traffic293
Google Satellite Maps with Transit292
Google Street Maps - Arabic1998
Google Street Maps - Chinese1725
Google Street Maps - English69
Google Street Maps - English, 512px79
Google Street Maps - French1723
Google Street Maps - German1724
Google Street Maps - Hindi2007
Google Street Maps - Indonesian2004
Google Street Maps - Italian2001
Google Street Maps - Japanese1726
Google Street Maps - Korean1992
Google Street Maps - Portuguese1995
Google Street Maps - Russian1721
Google Street Maps - Spanish1722
Google Street Maps - Style - Basic No Labels 2588
Google Street Maps - Style - Black and White 2589
Google Street Maps - Style - Clean Grey 2590
Google Street Maps - Style - Countries Only 2591
Google Street Maps - Style - Light 2592
Google Street Maps - Style - Nature 2593
Google Street Maps - Style - Neutral Blue 2594
Google Street Maps - Style - Paper 2595
Google Street Maps - Style - Retro 2596
Google Street Maps - Style - Shades of Grey 2597
Google Street Maps - Style - Subtle Grayscale 2598
Google Street Maps - xLocal language0
Google Street Maps - xLocal language, 1024px152
Google Street Maps - xLocal language, 128px180
Google Street Maps - xLocal language, 512px78
Google Street Maps - xLocal language, 768px151
Google Street Maps for China - Chinese langugage173
Google Street Maps for China - Chinese, 512px183
Google Street Maps for China - xLocal langugage171
Google Street Maps for China - xLocal langugage, 512px181
Google Street Maps light - English1719
Google Street Maps light - xLocal language1720
Google Street Maps only labels - Chinese Simplified251
Google Street Maps only labels - Chinese Traditional252
Google Street Maps roads and labels - English99
Google Street Maps roads and labels - English, 512px91
Google Street Maps roads and labels - xLocal language98
Google Street Maps roads and labels - xLocal language, 512px92
Google Street Maps with Bicycling - xLocal language280
Google Street Maps with Bicycling,Transit,Traffic - xLocal language309
Google Street Maps with Traffic - xLocal language282
Google Street Maps with Transit - xLocal language281
Google Street Maps without labels66
Google Street Maps without labels and roads239
Google Street Maps without labels, 512px80
Google Street Maps without POI67
Google Street Maps without POI, 512px81
Google Terrain Maps - Arabic1997
Google Terrain Maps - Chinese1737
Google Terrain Maps - English70
Google Terrain Maps - English, 1024px186
Google Terrain Maps - English, 512px85
Google Terrain Maps - English, 768px185
Google Terrain Maps - French1735
Google Terrain Maps - German1736
Google Terrain Maps - Hindi2006
Google Terrain Maps - Indonesian2003
Google Terrain Maps - Italian2000
Google Terrain Maps - Japanese1738
Google Terrain Maps - Korean1991
Google Terrain Maps - Portuguese1994
Google Terrain Maps - Russian1733
Google Terrain Maps - Spanish1734
Google Terrain Maps - xLocal language52
Google Terrain Maps - xLocal language, 512px84
Google Terrain Maps for China - Chinese langugage174
Google Terrain Maps for China - Chinese, 512px184
Google Terrain Maps for China - xLocal langugage172
Google Terrain Maps for China - xLocal langugage, 512px182
Google Terrain Maps Grey341
Google Terrain Maps with Bicycling - xLocal language433
Google Terrain Maps with Bicycling,Transit,Traffic - xLocal language436
Google Terrain Maps with Traffic xLocal language435
Google Terrain Maps with Transit - xLocal language434
Google Terrain Maps without labels74
Google Terrain Maps without labels and roads240
Google Terrain Maps without labels, 512px83
Google Terrain Maps without labels, roads and POI2
Google Terrain Maps without labels, roads and POI, 512px82


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